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Every Chef has their individual passion. For Shanice, it’s desserts. There’s nothing more she loves to do than spend time creating and plating beautiful concoctions. Catch Shanice every week on Chefs Who Share, a series of weekly videos that showcase 4 aspiring Chefs and their mentor as they share their passion for food. 

Initially I didn’t think of becoming a Chef. I actually thought I was going to be in medicine, which is completely opposite from food. But as I grew up, I realized medicine wasn’t for me – I was more interested in food. So, I studied Food & Nutrition at campus and then came to Unilever Food Solutions to work in the test kitchen. 

It’s the science of food that interests me. I am fascinated by the way gelatin, for example, interacts with a dish. I am very into molecular gastronomy and experimenting with different, crazy combinations. I love looking into a pantry full of groceries and coming up with something on the spot. I also really enjoy watching people’s reaction to my food – when I put ingredients together that you think won’t work, but then they do. For me, that is special. 

I like the creativity. I like the plating – the chocolate work, the garnishing. The techniques used in desserts really interests me. I do things that other people don’t want to do. 

I love Anna Olson. She’s a pastry Chef and I find her so inspirational. I can sit and watch her show for hours on end. I also love Katelyn Williams. She writes a blog called the Kate Tin and has recently written a recipe book on chocolate which I have to get! She is amazing. I look at all her recipes.

When it comes to me and desserts, they know I am very fussy – very picky. They all know that. If they see me and see I am concentrating, they don’t come near me. They leave me completely alone because they know! I like to be precise, perfect and on point with my desserts. They understand that, and don’t interrupt when I am busy. 

Akhil is the one who always comes up with nicknames! There’s Sne-Bear and Kim Dish. I don’t want to tell you mine. Mine is bad! Okay, they always joke about me being the shortest person in the kitchen. Akhil will come to me and ask: "if you were a bread, what type of bread would you be?" I will look at him in confusion and he will answer: “shortbread”. He will ask "if you were a herb, what herb would you be?" Then he will laugh and say: “A micro-herb.” At randoms time – when I am busy doing something quiet! And they all go with it (Laughs). 

I bake a lot of cakes. 

My goal is to stick with desserts and run a dessert bar. And it’s not something that’s a far-off dream – I am working towards that now. I take orders and bake cakes on the weekends and as soon as I have enough capital, I will make that dream come true. 

Akhil's lame jokes. 

I get angry. It gets a bit upsetting. I try figure out a way to make it work but it does get a bit stressful for me.

Ian Somerhalder from Vampire Diaries. I would make him a French pastry filled with pistachio crème, garnished with caramel mousse and chocolate mirror glaze. 

Chocolate mousse! There’s a lot of chocolate mousse at Unilever Food Solutions, but I still don’t get tired of it!
