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We believe a foodservice business thrives only when the people who work there thrive. Our #FairKitchens FREE Online Leadership Training for Chefs is here to help Lead the Change to create thriving kitchen cultures worldwide. 

Leading A Fair Kitchen

There is no recognised standard of leadership in the foodservice and hospitality industries, and many managers become leaders without training. Staffing and retention are also concerns, so developing talent from within is key. 

#FairKitchens is Leading the Change

#FairKitchens is a movement fighting for a more resilient and sustainable industry, calling for change by showing that a healthier culture makes for a stronger business. It strives to make the hospitality industry a fairer, more inclusive and happier place to keep the talent we have today and attract the talent we need for the future.

Fairkitchens Leadership Training Online Header
Remember that no emotion is permanent and that it is OK to not be OK

Join The Movement with Free Leadership Training 

‘Leading a Fair Kitchen’ is our FREE online leadership training for Chefs. Learn from master Chefs how to develop more inclusive kitchens and stronger leadership with 6 x 30-minute modules covering everything you need to know, including:

  • Self-awareness and Self-management
  • Communication
  • Recruitment and Onboarding
  • Building Diverse Talent and Teams
  • Wellbeing
  • Crisis Management

Plus, earn a Certificate of Completion from the Culinary Institute of America. 

If you are a Head Chef or kitchen leader, a team member interested in leadership or a job seeker looking to make your leadership skills stand out, this is the training course for you. 

Click here to start your training
