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Offering meat-free meals is the next step for your canteen or deli. 

With a growing trend towards meat-free living due to its health and environmental benefits, your diners and customers want you to deliver vegetable-based, nutritious meals that cater to their dietary and lifestyle needs. 

Meat-Free Solutions

With our Meat-Free Solutions, get all the vegetarian, vegan and meat-free inspiration you need to keep up with your customers’ changing food habits. 

From versatile, affordable, and nutritious ingredients to exciting new meat-free recipes, expand your menu and deliver a meat-free experience that will leave your customers coming back for more. 

It’s meat-free made easy!

While you’re here, check out our other veg-spiration for all the reasons WHY and HOW you should start serving veg!

Now Serving Mains
Add colour and variety to any plate with vegetables and discover the best out of veg with delicious on-trend recipes. 

Power to the Plants
Get a list of healthy, fresh vegetables to use in all your meals. 

The Rise of Veg
Why and how you should make the most out of your vegetable offering.

Move Over Meat
Learn why you should move your vegetables to the centre of your plate.

Colour Your World 
Find out how you should plate your veggie dishes to attract your customers – even the meat-lovers!
