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We all know who runs the restaurant, but front and back of house cannot work without the other. Cooperation is the key to making sure tips are received, and then shared at the end of the shift.

Here are some hints to help ending the eternal restaurant war.

  • Encourage wait-staff to spend time in the kitchen. Show them the time and work that goes into the plates they deliver to the dining room. Get them assisting with preparation and service, it will give them invaluable insight.
  • Same applies for chefs. Get them waiting a couple of tables when they start. They will no doubt have a new found respect for wait-staff after realising not everyone is a pleasure to wait on.
  • We know everyone harps on about communication, but it is essential to improving all sorts of relationships. Make a habit of talking to front of house staff on a daily basis before service to make sure you are both on the same page.
  • Whoever has been nominated in your kitchen to be the buffer between front of house and back of house, make sure they can speak both languages to help alleviate any unnecessary tension between kitchen and wait-staff.

Keeping anxiety and tension low between front and back of house will mean for better working relationships and more tip-happy customers.

For dish solutions both FOH and BOH browse our webshop now.
