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Mark Sargeant - the operator of various restaurants and formerly Gordon Ramsay protégé is our KNORR ambassador. Who it better placed to give kitchen tips and tricks and giving no-nonsense advice on gross profit.

Earning Michelin stars

Earning Michelin stars

Michelin stars can be rocket fuel for a restaurant’s success. But when it comes to your strategy, navigating by the stars isn’t always the best course. Here’s what Mark has to say.

  • Don’t cook for Michelin stars: Winning a Michelin star for your restaurant is a great achievement – but it shouldn’t be your aim. Cook for your customers. Cook for yourself. Don’t cook for Michelin.
  • Focus on the basics: Focus on your revenue. Focus on your gross profit. Aim for a busy restaurant and happy customers. These fundamentals should always be the key aims for anyone working in this industry. 



Moving from chef to restaurateur

Moving from chef to restaurateur

Making the transition from chef to restaurateur isn’t always easy. It requires different skills and a different focus. Here’s some advice from Mark Sargeant on making the jump.

  • Learn to let go: When you’re in the kitchen all the time, it’s easy to get caught up in the nitty gritty. You’ve got to learn to leave the day to day running to your team and start thinking about the bigger picture. 
  • Trust your team: In order for you to let go, you’ve got to trust your team. That means making sure you’ve got the right people in the right places and ensuring you’re giving them what they need to do their different roles well.

