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Being an entrepreneur in the hospitality industry is certainly not that simple ... Although the hospitality industry is not an exact science, you cannot rely on your intuition in all circumstances. You work with passion, but as a kitchen professional you also keep your profit margins under control. How exactly are you doing? From the purchase, during the first preparations and when calculating the cost of food. Our five clever tips will help you ensure the profitability of your menu.

1. Analyze your menu

Good profitability starts with costing your menu. Check if your food cost percentage is correct for your best recipes on your menu (and keep checking it when prices change). Offer your customers enough possibilities for upgrades - Garden salad with crispy pancetta for example - and increase your margin. Also check for dishes that require special attention, due to factors such as limited turnover, manual labour, personnel costs, and waste flow. Which dishes are you taking off the menu and which ones are you going to adapt?

Afbeelding van vol-au-vent

2. Limit waste 

Even the processing of the packaging costs money. If you get this mountain of trash under control, you can save money as well. You can limit your waste by using smart portions, for example. With a main course, it is best not to serve too large a portion of fries. By the time customers want a second serving, there's a good chance the fries have cooled. Let your customers order an extra portion of French fries. So you will have less waste to deal with and they will still be able to enjoy hot fries.

3. Work according to the seasons

Keep an eye on the calendar for each product category. Match your seasonal suggestions to the promotions of the wholesaler, etc. Do not throw away leftover vegetables. For example, use the green of leeks to make an oil to finish a dish. Inform your customers of your zero waste approach.

Afbeelding van seizoensgroenten

4. Bet on a decent debit

Regularly review whether the organisation of your kitchen matches the dishes you serve. Be critical and check which operations can be simplified or which require less work. By making these adjustments, you will create more space and freedom for yourself, freeing up time that you can use for finishing your dishes.

5. Go for classics on your map 

In these times of take-away and delivery, it is best to go for classics that your customers can also pick up during the week. Make extra large portions and put this top dish in the spotlight on your social media page as a daily special – with an attractive price to match. Discover our Social Media tips & tricks here
