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“Everything from the moment of receiving to issuing to the kitchens needs to be tracked, logged, and recorded. 
Remember that any food sitting on a shelf is cash sitting on a shelf!”

Executive Chef Richard Green
Regional Executive Chef, Compass Group UAE

Use this collection of UFS Academy training videos, created in partnership with international culinary school ICCA, to induct your staff: Cost Management: Purchasing & Stock Control

6 videos, 30 minutes

To share the videos with your team, copy and send this link

Topics covered:

Kitchen Management

Kitchen Management

The importance of process and procedures in the kitchen, why purchasing, stock control and food safety are so important to the success of a kitchen and the role they play managing waste.

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Managing Ingredients Effectively

Managing Ingredients Effectively

Designing a smart menu is one of the best ways to maximise profit. But the benefits of a smart menu extend beyond just profit margins. Learn more about the benefits of managing ingredients effectively by watching this video.

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Using Ingredients Cost Effectively

Using Ingredients Cost Effectively

Once a menu has been designed, there are even more things that can be done to make the most out of each ingredient. The less waste a kitchen produces, the more cost efficient it can be! We teach you how in this video.

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Receiving and Storing Food

Receiving and Storing Food

This video explains the importance of the procedures required to manage the receiving and storing of food, using food safety guidance to prevent spoilage and why we use FIFO.

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Receiving Deliveries

Receiving Deliveries

This video focus on suppliers, how to determine the risks of products when they are delivered and how to ensure they comply with the agreed requirements.

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Storage, Food Safety & FIFO – First in, First out

Storage, Food Safety & FIFO – First in, First out

When using the FIFO method, you always put the freshest products behind the old ones. The products that will expire or spoil first (the ones that went in first) should always be at the front. This way, when you go to pick a product, you’ll always grab the one that’s closest to expiry.  If you don’t follow this system, you may end up using fresh produce that arrived that day, while overlooking stock from yesterday that has now spoilt. 

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