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  • Puff pastry(1 roll) 400.0 g
  • Olive oil 50.0 g
  • Cauliflower(sliced lengthways) 200.0 g
  • Mushrooms(cut into chunks) 200.0 g
  • Brown lentils 100.0 g
  • Red onion 100.0 g
  • Vegan cheese(grated) 50.0 g
  • Peppadews(roughly chopped) 50.0 g
  • Sunflower seeds(toasted) 20.0 g
  • Baby spinach

These simple but exciting pastry cups are packed with nutrients and add a burst of veg-based fun to your menu! Bring out the flavours with Robertsons Veggie Spice and sprinkle with toasted sunflower seeds to get those taste buds excited!



  1. Method

    • Pre-heat an oven to 180 °C, grease a muffin tray and cut the puff pastry into rounds. Press the pastry down against the sides and bottom, and prick the bottom of the pastry with a knife. Mix the olive oil, Robertsons Cajun Spice and Robertsons Veggie Seasoning and brush the pastry with the mixture. Bake in the oven for 10 min, remove from the oven and set aside.
    • Add the remaining oil mixture, cauliflower, mushrooms, lentils and onions to a pan and fry for 2 to 3 mins, remove from the heat and set aside.
    • Divide the mixture evenly into the pastry cups, sprinkle with the grated cheese, peppadews, toasted sunflower seeds and and bake in the oven for 10 min. Remove from the oven, allow to cool, and serve with baby spinach leaves.
  2. Chef's Tip

    • Swop out the cauliflower for broccoli and the sunflower seeds for pumpkin seeds and garnish with fried kale for an extra crunch. The puff pastry can be prepared the day before, and just before baking coat with the oil mixture.