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Yuzu-Cured Salmon:

  • Salmon Fillet, Cut Into 50g Fingers (200g)
  • Yuzu Juice 50ml

Salmon Coating:

Wasabi Mayo:

Coconut Beetroot Chutney:

  • Beetroot, Cooked Cut Small Dice 50g
  • Onions 28.0 g
  • Dessicated coconut 2.5 ml
  • Brown sugar 15.0 ml
  • White Wine Vinegar 5.0 ml
  • Fine Foods Fruit Chutney - 6.25 Kg 10.0 ml
  • Coconut Flakes, Toasted 10ml

Cauliflower Rice:

  • Cauliflower Destemmed, Finely Chop In A Food Processor 150g
  • Red onionSliced 40.0 g
  • Yellow pepper 44.0 g
  • Salt 1.0 ml
  • Sunflower oil 10.0 ml

Tomato Coulis:


  • Fresh Micro Herbs 2g

on fried Cauliflower Rice with coconut beetroot chutney, tomato Coulis & wasabinnaise.



  1. Yuzu-Cured Salmon:

    • In a kidney tray, soak the salmon in yuzu to cure for 2hrs, turning occasionally.
    • Remove salmon from the yuzu and roll in the Parsley/ Veggie seasoning blend, Slice salmon diagonally into equal pieces.
  2. Salmon Coating:

    • Mix well together.
  3. Wasabi Mayo:

    • Mix well together.
  4. Coconut Beetroot Chutney:

    • In a pot at medium heat, add sugar, water, onions, cinnamon, desiccated coconut. Cook till sugar is dissolved and onions are soft, add vinegar, Beetroot and chutney. Remove from heat, mix well.
  5. Cauliflower Rice:

    • Heat oil in a pan, sauté onion and yellow peppers for 1-2min. Add cauliflower season and sauté another 1 min and set aside.
  6. Tomato Coulis:

    • In a pot heat half the Knorr tomato pronto and add the xanthan gum, remove from heat. Add the rest of the Knorr tomato pronto. Adjust seasoning.
    • In a blender or thermo mix, liquidize till smooth.
  7. Plating:

    • Arrange the rice in the middle of the plate/ platter. Place salmon pieces scattered on and around the ‘rice’. Pipe the wasabinnaise, tomato coulis around the plate, spoon the beetroot chutney around the plate (garnish with toasted coconut flakes), finish with micro herbs and serve.