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Cold weather means that many establishments opt for big, heavy and indulgent meals. However, although there is certainly a place for comfort food, our Chefs predict that healthier, plant-based meals are going to be popular, on-trend additions to the buffet offering.


Executive Chef Unilever Food Solutions, Durban

What food trends do you predict this winter?
Soups are going to grow as there is high margin to be made (profit is key).

Where do you find inspiration to create new dishes?
Look at old classics and add a twist with texture.

What is your favourite winter comfort dish?
It’s got to be hearty and bring back flavours and memories. Comfort food at its best! I love stew with dumplings.

What is your advice to Chefs to keep them motivated and stress free during the busy winter season?
Keep it simple and make dishes that your staff are familiar with! And take time out. We need it to stay sane!

Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, Durban

What food trends do you predict this winter?
I think a lot of healthy and wholesome meals incorporating more veggies, plant-based dishes. Dishes incorporating African flavours, and local ingredients such as Rooibos, Bambara ground nuts and mung beans.

Where do you find inspiration to create new dishes?
I get my inspiration online or by talking to our operators about their menus.

What is your favourite winter comfort dish?
Mac and cheese with bacon or roast butternut soup.

What is your advice to Chefs to keep them motivated and stress free during the busy winter season?
Plan a menu that is going to work for the busy season. Ensure stock availability, and that stock orders are placed on time. Plan for sufficient staff BOH and FOH to cover shifts and extended hours. Include family specials and value meals on your holiday menu and make sure to brief waiters to upsell. Holding daily meetings will ensure Chefs are prepared for the holiday rush.

Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, Durban

What food trends do you predict this winter?
The unstoppable rise of plant food. Meat-free eating has shown no sign of slowing down. It’s such a huge movement that Unilever has bought the Vegetarian Butcher.

Where do you find inspiration to create new dishes?
I draw my inspiration from watching food channels on TV, buying and reading food magazines and Instagram surfing.

What is your favourite winter comfort dish?
Nothing beats a hot Durban Bunny Chow.

What is your advice to Chefs to keep them motivated and stress free during the busy winter season?
Make lists and be prepared.

Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, Johannessburg

What food trends do you predict this winter?
With the rise in plant-based diets and healthy on-the-go foods, the focus will be on providing foods that make consumers physically feel good. I also think Chefs and consumers will be looking at reducing waste substantially.

Where do you find inspiration to create new dishes?
Instagram, TV cooking channels, Facebook, Pinterest.

What is your favourite winter comfort dish?
A hearty meaty, legumes and vegetable soup. When making the soup, I just go with the look and taste as I go. I have fun with the soup and experimenting with different veggies.

What is your advice to Chefs to keep them motivated and stress free during the busy winter season?
Plan ahead and create dishes with ingredients that are in season.

Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, Cape Town

What food trends do you predict this winter?
Traditional South African comfort food will still be a strong favourite among consumers. Veganism is gaining in momentum, so substituting meat for veggies in dishes like boboties or burgers is important.

Where do you find inspiration to create new dishes?
I am an out-the box thinker. I research and read a lot of articles related to our industry or have a coffee with a Chef in the industry to chat about ideas and inspire each other. I also check out Instagram to see what other Chefs around the world are doing.

What is your favourite winter comfort dish?
Lamb shank, root vegetables and mash..

What is your advice to Chefs to keep them motivated and stress free during the busy winter season?
Spend some time planning. Play with new functional ingredients to create signature dishes. Planning and preparing now will give you time to change the menu. Ask your teams for their input; it will keep them motivated and will provide you with valuable feedback. It will also mean everyone is on the same page when it comes to the crunch.

Chef at Unilever Food Solutions, Johannessburg

What food trends do you predict this winter?
I think retro-style food is gaining momentum, Mexican and Asian fusion is still on point.

Where do you find inspiration to create new dishes?
From interacting with Chefs and social media.

What is your favourite winter comfort dish?
Meaty-bone soup with pearl barley and lentils. Any curry is always welcome.

What is your advice to Chefs to keep them motivated and stress free during the busy winter season?
I’d advise them to really take time to understand their clientele and their needs/expectations. For example, you may need to accommodate kids on the menu with specials or family packages and accommodate clients with tight budgets.
