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The process of seed germination results in a dramatic increase in the vitamin content of seeds over a very short period, which makes sprouts a healthy addition to any diet and a great guilt-free way to fill up. Very low in calories, sprouts are whole and pure natural foods that play a pivotal role in protecting our body from different kind of diseases. Sprouts are at a transitional stage between seeds and plants and, as the seed’s own enzymes do almost all work, they are essentially pre-digested foods.

Typically sprouts are used in lighter, more refreshing salads which should be assembled just before serving to preserve the crunch of the sprouts. They can also be used in warmer salads with cooked or stir fried elements. Sprouts work well in salads containing rices, couscous, noodles, peppers, tomatoes, Julienne carrots and cheese.

Sprouts to shout about – Top trending sprouts

Bean sprouts – rich in folate, protein, Vitamins B and C and iron
Alfafa sprouts – an excellent source of niacin, calcium and fibre
Lentil sprouts – high in thiamine, copper and iron
Radish and Onion sprouts – try these for a light crunch with a big hit of flavour
