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The saying goes “too many cooks spoil the broth” and we all know managing egos can be  as delicate as deboning a salmon but a kitchen needs to work like a well-oiled machine, especially during the high seasons.

To help you ease the tension, here are some tips on managing your colleagues during these times. .

To help you ease the tension, here are some tips on managing the people around you, maybe even the Head Chef.

  • Identify key responsibilities for each person in the kitchen. If you are able to assign tasks, do so to keep a clean and organised work flow. This will enable your peers to own their tasks. This will also establish clear boundaries between staff members wneh it comes to responsibilities.
  • Communicate effectively with your fellow chefs. Ensuring everyone is on the same page will also help keep people in check. This might mean suggesting a regular team meeting before opening time.
  • The best way to diffuse the land mine that is one of your fellow chefs is by not setting them off in the first place. Pressure in the kitchen will mean there will always be unexpected temper flares, but do your best to control them by understanding what triggers a meltdown, and avoiding it. If your Head Chef comes close to beating you with a spatula because you separated the sauce, try everything within your power not to do it again.
  • if your colleague still thinks the rules don't apply to them orthey regularly take all the credit for team work, and pass blame for anything that goes wrong.Try ignoring their calls for validation as much as possible. Feeding their ego with unnecessary attention will only reinforce their behaviour. Work on fostering relationships with other chefs. Look for someone else to act as a mentor, give you advice, and serve as a reliable reference.